
2023-03-23 14:56:04 By : Ms. kerry wei

An expanded recall of a Banana Boat spray sunscreen has drawn new attention to the problem of benzene lurking in a number of aerosol beauty products.

The latest recall is for a batch of Banana Boat Hair & Scalp Sunscreen Spray SPF 30, for a total of four batches of Banana Boat that have been recalled since July because of the presence of benzene. But in the past two years, several major consumer products companies, including Unilever, Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson, have announced recalls of well-known aerosol sunscreens, deodorants and dry shampoos.

Why do we keep hearing about benzene in beauty products? Here are answers to common questions about aerosols and spray sunscreens.

Aerosol products tainted by benzene may still be on store shelves

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